The last years Rebecca Stradiot also brought the following solo performances she created on stage:
Alegria y Saudade (music)
A little bit of love please? (music & word art)
Even more love! (music & word art)
Timbres Magiques (music)
Fairy Tales for Grown-Ups (music & word art)
Memoires of a gentlewoman (music & word art)
Letters to Sleeping Beauty (music & word art)

Rebecca Stradiot also enjoys looking over the boundaries of different cultures and disciplines.

She played as a musician and drama figure in several performances in her home country and abroad with Theater Tol, a company inspired by the circus world.
She accompanied Ingrid Vander Veken in the theatres during the performances on her book ‘Zestig’ (Sixty).

For the artistic cooperations she launches, Rebecca Stradiot set up ‘Compagnie Con Espressione’ in 2010. The first show she unveiled was ‘Rebecca’s Boudoir’, with mime. A perfect blend of artistic crossover is of vital importance. As the name says ‘con espressione’ or ‘sensitive, with expression’, taken from the Italian music terminology, Compagnie Con Espressione wants to move and touch a tender spot.